Guardrail Training Videos

A training guide for installing both the RoofGuard and Gargoyle Rooftop Guardrail fall protection systems. This is a series of videos that takes you through initial layout, proper set up and extra tips and tricks that cut down on your team’s installation time.

There are many ways to do things but we have found over the course of thousands of installations, these steps followed in the order provided, cut installation time to a minimum.

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Vertical Post Construction

The first step for RoofGuard or Gargoyle edge, skylight or hatch systems is to build vertical posts with 21" between RGF fittings.

Horizontal Brace Construction

The second step is to build your horizontal braces which enable you estimate spacing for base plates when laying out your system.

Laying out your system

When you have finished building your vertical posts and horizontal braces, you can get started on laying out your system.

Assembling your system

After you've finished constructing your posts, horizontal braces and laying out your system, you can begin assembly.

Other Tips and Tricks

Tips and tricks that will help plan projects, simplify measuring, work safely and be more efficient with your installs.


Some of the most common mistakes installers make that will slow them down or cause them to have to redo assembly.

Vertical Post Construction (Step One)

Vertical Post Construction for RoofGuard and Gargoyle fall protection systems

Horizontal brace construction (Step Two)

Horizontal brace construction for RoofGuard and Gargoyle fall protection systems

Laying Out Your System (Step Three)

How to Lay out Your Edge fall Protection System

How to lay out your skylight fall protection system

How to lay out your hatch fall protection system

Assembling your system (Step Four)

How to assemble your Edge fall protection system

How to assemble your skylight fall protection system

How to assemble your Hatch fall protection system

Common Mistakes

Other tips and tricks (Step Five)

How to build a guardrail jig

Easy guardrail assembly hack

Access the full playlist on Youtube

Guardrail installation tips and tricks